The Together for Health on the one hand encourages the effective participation of citizens and the other allows the Municipal Integrated Management with emphasis on Public Health. The technology represents the third pillar, the Smart City. Through technology is achieved to establish a channel of communication between citizen and Managers.On the one hand, with the app on your phone, observing the occurrence of an event or risk that needs the government's attention, the citizen can easily and anonymously send to public managers a record (complaint), including adding photos , videos, audio, and geographic location.
On the other hand, public officials (state and municipal agencies) responsible for that kind of occurence, automatically receive the complaint to be investigated and resolved.
Thus facilitating the mobilization and engagement, allows effective collaboration between citizens and government in the activities of alerts, monitoring and exchange of information necessary for prevention, resolution and combating the health problems of the city.
Promoting the principle that health is everyone's right, this initiative enables anywhere, anytime, citizens and servers become true health sensors, monitoring and contributing to the increased the well-being and Quality of Life of our citizens.